30 September 2009
29 September 2009
27 September 2009
上次節目一出, 竟然同一時間有10個地球朋友說很surprised.
我沒有很驚訝, 只是一直忙著打著唔咸唔淡既中文字[因為我打中文字實在爛], 忙著為她平反.
我亦得以平反, 戚起半條眉仔的說 我一早都話好好聽架啦你地唔信.
上次很有替她開心的感覺, 整天hyper, 什至似有比她開心的感覺.
沈澱下來, 今天再說起, 感動得想要哭.
有人知道的委屈就不再是委屈了. =)
btw, ella在rthk節目演村姑講野講野都很好看的. haha
p.s. 我是supergoo的supergoofans. 我都覺佢唱木紋都好好聽.
我沒有很驚訝, 只是一直忙著打著唔咸唔淡既中文字[因為我打中文字實在爛], 忙著為她平反.
我亦得以平反, 戚起半條眉仔的說 我一早都話好好聽架啦你地唔信.
上次很有替她開心的感覺, 整天hyper, 什至似有比她開心的感覺.
沈澱下來, 今天再說起, 感動得想要哭.
有人知道的委屈就不再是委屈了. =)
btw, ella在rthk節目演村姑講野講野都很好看的. haha
p.s. 我是supergoo的supergoofans. 我都覺佢唱木紋都好好聽.
26 September 2009
跟20位手作女工來一次秋季旅行. 哈, 未出發先興奮. 應該說, 諗下都開心死.
是次小妹有幸得La Belle Epoque邀請, 初次啼聲. 如有不足地方, 還望見諒.
近日正趕工中, 希望到時大家會喜歡.
買唔買唔緊要, 最緊要當日有一個愉快的下午.
於陽光明眉的happy sunday吃著綿花糖, 在大樹蔭下躺著豆袋, 赤著腳仔在草地上狂奔...
還有必玩遊戲: 撲豆袋. ^____________^*
多謝老闆娘日以計夜為女工們撰寫中英簡介. 讀得很有... 口感. 哈哈.
是次小妹有幸得La Belle Epoque邀請, 初次啼聲. 如有不足地方, 還望見諒.
近日正趕工中, 希望到時大家會喜歡.
買唔買唔緊要, 最緊要當日有一個愉快的下午.
於陽光明眉的happy sunday吃著綿花糖, 在大樹蔭下躺著豆袋, 赤著腳仔在草地上狂奔...
還有必玩遊戲: 撲豆袋. ^____________^*
多謝老闆娘日以計夜為女工們撰寫中英簡介. 讀得很有... 口感. 哈哈.
本地手作人多愛布藝, 不喜從俗的 Ar SA卻偏愛紙張。
她認為文具除了實用, 其實也要漂亮得有治癒作用,
作品簡介: 結合實用性與美觀性, 將平凡的文具變成人見人愛的日常用品,作品包括信封, 文件夾, 文件套, 卡片套及記事簿。
其他手作人詳情, 請細閱 La Belle Epoque
記緊控制聲量, 因失控的尖叫聲而令格黎屋亞陳太投訴, 本菇概不負責哦. =]
facebook link :
記緊控制聲量, 因失控的尖叫聲而令格黎屋亞陳太投訴, 本菇概不負責哦. =]
facebook link :
but sorry, i dun play facebook.
24 September 2009

秋, 宜遠行。
20位手作人共聚一堂,將書館街的純手作市集,搬到陽光下, 草地上。
日期: 4 Oct 2009時間: 11am-5pm
地點: 數碼港商場平台活動: 手作品售賣, 刻印及羊毛氈示範,手作人分享心得
(HK$20 entry fee for adults age 18+)
By Taxi
• Take Taxi to Cyberport
• Alight outside ParknShop (opposite Wise Kids)
• Take escalator up to Level 4
By Car
• Drive to Cyberport and turn onto Information Crescent where you will see the entrance to Carpark 1.
• Once you have parked your car, take the lift to level 4.
• Walk past Kosmo Café and head towards the outdoor grass area.
Visitor Car Park Rates - $12 per hour
• Please note if you take your entrance stubb to the information counter in Cyberport Arcade you will receive two hours free parking. You must present your Octopus or Visa card.
• There are over 500 spaces available
By Bus
• There are number of mini and regular buses that service Cyberport.
• Please check with individual bus companies for most up to date timetables.
• Download Bus Routes to Market
• After alighting from bus take lift to Level 4.
• Walk past Kosmo Café and head towards the outdoor grass area.
*1) mini-bus no.(8) - Central CityHall station - Baguio Villa (you can get off the gate from Baguio Villa to Cyberport)
*2) mini-bus no.(69) - Quarry Bay (Hoi Chak Street) to Cyberport
*3) mini-bus no.(69X) - Causeway Bay Sogo Department store - Cyberport
清草地 大樹旁 埋黎睇 埋黎揀 ...
20位手作人共聚一堂,將書館街的純手作市集,搬到陽光下, 草地上。
日期: 4 Oct 2009時間: 11am-5pm
地點: 數碼港商場平台活動: 手作品售賣, 刻印及羊毛氈示範,手作人分享心得
(HK$20 entry fee for adults age 18+)
By Taxi
• Take Taxi to Cyberport
• Alight outside ParknShop (opposite Wise Kids)
• Take escalator up to Level 4
By Car
• Drive to Cyberport and turn onto Information Crescent where you will see the entrance to Carpark 1.
• Once you have parked your car, take the lift to level 4.
• Walk past Kosmo Café and head towards the outdoor grass area.
Visitor Car Park Rates - $12 per hour
• Please note if you take your entrance stubb to the information counter in Cyberport Arcade you will receive two hours free parking. You must present your Octopus or Visa card.
• There are over 500 spaces available
By Bus
• There are number of mini and regular buses that service Cyberport.
• Please check with individual bus companies for most up to date timetables.
• Download Bus Routes to Market
• After alighting from bus take lift to Level 4.
• Walk past Kosmo Café and head towards the outdoor grass area.
*1) mini-bus no.(8) - Central CityHall station - Baguio Villa (you can get off the gate from Baguio Villa to Cyberport)
*2) mini-bus no.(69) - Quarry Bay (Hoi Chak Street) to Cyberport
*3) mini-bus no.(69X) - Causeway Bay Sogo Department store - Cyberport
清草地 大樹旁 埋黎睇 埋黎揀 ...
9 September 2009
8 September 2009
7 September 2009
6 September 2009
5 September 2009
4 September 2009
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