25 March 2010




大家好~ 山頂既朋友大~家~好~!!!
娜娜娜, 唔好話本菇唔提你呀下
如果你喜歡撩撩天, 哈卡非的話
除了星期日的市集外, 菇妹都好可能會忽起條筋出現於cafe上.

火星文具店於是次市集有新作, 要密切留意哦~

菇妹咁努力, 抵探下班掛~

係呀. 你呀. 你講你呀.
喂...唔好拎開呀... 做咩走呀... 喂...........

shh.... 仲有好多開心事繼續發生,
等菇慢慢話過你知... shhhh... ^_____^*

13 March 2010

still here still here...

hi guys
i know i know
ive been lazy updating this goo place.
as u guys comes here and alwayz have the same gwang zhong comin up and smiling in front of ya.
i know i know
u guysve had enough haha
i juz have to tell u guys
goo isnt hiding somewhere hibernating (i wish tho)
as there r few sthS really very exciting coming along these few weeks
(ha... there're way more things more exciting than getting into messy affairs... j/k haha)
hmmm... let me see...
about some new work
about some creations
about a 5 day thingy
about a fun market
about some new places
about some polka dots
about some magazines
about some new drama (wwwwwatch女王辦工室!! my 老公c plays Music so well right? hahaha)
about some new books (have no idea y i can never finish 1Q84!)
about some movies too
and about some new guys (Oh btw... about some new guys' wives too i wish. wow... ooops sorry hahaha)
some more and better are coming up im sure
all is involving eh-ve-ryone of us!
(can you see the glow? haha)
its not a make believe thingy, but a belief. mine as alwayz.
goopower is charged and ready to go again.
if u r lack of some positives, come in n be my guest.
shared energy is better energy.

so stay tuned. be right back WOOHOOOOO :) (rushing out fixing new thingy again...)